pondelok 29. decembra 2008

258/365 nedeľa/Sunday - 2008/12/21

náš stromček/our Christmas tree

257/365 sobota/Saturday - 2008/12/20

zdobenie stromčeka/Christmas tree decoration

256/365 piatok/Friday - 2008/12/19


255/365 štvrtok/Thursday - 2008/12/18

Vianočná ruža/"Christmas rose"
(this flower is called like this in Slovakia - not sure if it has got the same name in English)

254/365 streda/Wednesday - 2008/12/17

linecké koláčiky/Christmas cookies

253/365 utorok/Tuesday 2008/12/16

ešte oddychujem/still having the rest

252/365 pondelok/Monday - 2008/12/15

Hanka s tatom/Hanka with daddy

štvrtok 25. decembra 2008

251/365 nedeľa/Sunday - 2008/12/14

konečne doma z nemocnice/finally back at home from the hospital

250/365 sobota/Saturday - 2008/12/13

malá "pirátka"/little "pirate"

249/365 piatok/Friday - 2008/12/12

stále v pôrodnici/still in the hospital

248/365 štvrtok/Thursday - 2008/12/11


247/365 streda/Wednesday - 2008/12/10

môj 24-hodín trvajúci výhľad po spinálke/my 24 hours lasting view after the Ceasarian

246/365 utorok/Tuesday - 2008/12/09

narodila sa nám Hanka/our baby girl Hanka was born

245/365 pondelok/Monday - 2008/12/08

mamina je zbalená do pôrodnice, Kubko k babke/mum is packed to the hospital, Kubko goes to the Grandmother

244/365 nedeľa/Sunday - 2008/12/07

postieľka pre bábo je nachystaná/the bed for the baby is ready

sobota 6. decembra 2008

243/365 sobota/Saturday

Mikulášske čižmičky/St. Nicolaus´s boots

242/365 piatok/Friday

zajtra príde Mikuláš..a my sme dozdobili v noci celý byt a všetky okná vianočnými ozdôbkami.. aby si Kubko ráno myslel, že Mikuláš to urobil /St. Nicolaus is going to come tomorrow.. and we have decorated everything in the flat and the windows with Christmas decorations.. to let Kubko think St.Nicolaus has done it during the night

241/365 štvrtok/Thursday

Kubko večeral.. a tato ho nechal na chvíľu bez dozoru (a samozrejme sa celý kašou aj nakrémoval - vlasy, tvár, oči, ruky, bodynko, pančušky..) /Kubko was eating his supper.. and was left alone for a second (and the porridge was eveerywhere - his hair, eyes, face, hands, body shirt, stockings..)

240/365 streda/Wednesday

po daždi/after the rain

239/365 utorok/Tuesday

Kubko číta/Kubko is reading

238/365 pondelok/Monday

ja s bruškom/me with the belly
(fotené samospúšťou)

utorok 2. decembra 2008

237/365 nedeľa/Sunday

maminka sa troška hrala, keďže začal Advent/Advent time is here

236/365 sobota/Saturday

fit lopta/a ball

235/365 piatok/Friday

jablkový koláč/apple pie

234/365 štvrtok/Thursday

napratávanie nového nábytku v obývačke/new furniture in the living room

233/365 streda/Wednesday

tak už sa nám to kráti/only couple of weeks to go till the baby´s birth

232/365 utorok/Tuesday

jablká u nás "fičia"/we like eating apples


tak už sa aj tato "vyfarbil"/let´s check your teeth